Potlatch conversations
Can our conversations become potlatch, giving our two selves to the conversation, lavishly, prodigally, freely, but expecting nothing, only knowing conversing will turn the gift to good?
:- Doug.

Can our conversations become potlatch, giving our two selves to the conversation, lavishly, prodigally, freely, but expecting nothing, only knowing conversing will turn the gift to good?
:- Doug.
Don’t expect to find on these pages many proofs and footnotes. Hints maybe. It is up to you to provide whatever P & F you require.
:- Doug.
Alexander’s mirror of the self and Gendlin’s focusing both point toward a living life detector, a part of us connected. What are we detecting? Wild, and our own stalking, the various spirits, the qwoan.
:- Doug.
When you make persons, you by that means raise the possibilities in life to untold exponentials.
:- Doug.