Center pulsing
Is the holy merely impulse
In us sometimes pushing out
Or our center pulsing?
:- Doug.

Is the holy merely impulse
In us sometimes pushing out
Or our center pulsing?
:- Doug.
Risk there is in intimate conversation: an intimate risk. Not only might you get hurt, but the conversation might devolve into an argument or worse a fight, or your intentions might get read backwards.
:- Doug.
You might invent a new form of conversation-making if ones you’ve heard before don’t work or fit.
:- Doug.
I don’t want to know yet how the book will be organized. I do not want it regularized, for now, perhaps ever. Let it reveal itself.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2209
Don’t say it all
Leave something
Please pass it on.
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What can you catch by the hind foot when you deny your eyes their authority?
:- Doug.