Factors to explore
Possible factors to explore in a conversation: What is our relationship to: self, Thou, others, work, the project to be undertaken, society, God, feelings, how to do this project, motives.
:- Doug.

Possible factors to explore in a conversation: What is our relationship to: self, Thou, others, work, the project to be undertaken, society, God, feelings, how to do this project, motives.
:- Doug.
Open mystery conversation: How will we get the culprit (your Thou) to confess to the conversation?
Closed mystery conversation: What is this conversation about, what “crime” will we commit (that is, who will we be) together?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2207
Avoid judicious. Speak out plainly. No moderation for me!
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