Warmed up for stretches
Now that we’ve warmed up, let’s do some stretches with these conversations! And Twists!
:- Doug.
Now that we’ve warmed up, let’s do some stretches with these conversations! And Twists!
:- Doug.
It is curious—it calls me to turn my head sideways—that Rome was built on military conquest, yet its language is so cerebral, disconnected from body blows. Then there is Old English which is almost aboriginal, physical at least, though maybe not connected to earth and surrounds.
:- Doug.
If the conversation sticks and won’t go further? Ask each other, and ask the conversation, what would it feel like, be like, if we got through this? What is the way at this moment?
:- Doug.
Focusing might help get to the more complex infolded intricate parts of conversation.
:- Doug.