refuses to give up its secrets
It seems conversation refuses to give up its secrets if approached directly.
:- Doug.

It seems conversation refuses to give up its secrets if approached directly.
:- Doug.
In death when we survive we lose the relation we had with this person. Some of it. This tests—stretches—the notion that we make persons of one another, for just here we had some of our person clawed out from our skin. But do we also lose the conversations, the conversation, with that person?
:- Doug.
NB: conversation enwraps hostility and friendship/kinship combined. To understand, we must account for this.
:- Doug.
Can our conversations become potlatch, giving our two selves to the conversation, lavishly, prodigally, freely, but expecting nothing, only knowing conversing will turn the gift to good?
:- Doug.
Don’t expect to find on these pages many proofs and footnotes. Hints maybe. It is up to you to provide whatever P & F you require.
:- Doug.
Alexander’s mirror of the self and Gendlin’s focusing both point toward a living life detector, a part of us connected. What are we detecting? Wild, and our own stalking, the various spirits, the qwoan.
:- Doug.
When you make persons, you by that means raise the possibilities in life to untold exponentials.
:- Doug.
It concerns me not, the losing of some little faculty, like word finding. My concern is creating more faculties.
:- Doug.
Our task: carry life’s creative urges to more moments of time; carry life’s creative urges to more people/beings.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2210
For years I’ve worked to make my words be clear
But now my voice must call from you, from me
A symphony, a 10-year feral boy
Please pass it on.
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If conversation is created with the whole of these two persons, then the conversation stands a good chance to come out whole.
:- Doug.
How do we recognize conversing of value? Can it be done within the conversation? Can we adjust for it?
:- Doug.
Going by some land where recently stood a building I had often been inside, words came out, “I never thought it was that small.” Seems that putting up walls, boundaries, enclosing the space, in some way tangibly increases the space available to use.
:- Doug.
Conversing is putting together two beings for a wild, uncontrolled, untamed, undomesticated, uncultivated engagement. All is possible. Yet we can bend it in the long arc toward life.
This is a larger view than I have had, but hinted all along. All our live-long life we have been a-feared of conversing. We have avoided it, we have avoided really engaging one another. Here is the fear, here is the risk of life. What advice or direction can I give? None, for I have barely stepped into the territory of Here there be. Come, hold my hand. We’ll go together.
We can point our toes. We might speculate on ways to bend. That’s about it, till we get further in, meet some of the beasts.
:- Doug.