Canst thou converse unmindful of past or future, unmindful of gain or loss, unmindful? Then thou canst enter converse.
:- Doug.
Canst thou converse unmindful of past or future, unmindful of gain or loss, unmindful? Then thou canst enter converse.
:- Doug.
For meaningful conversation to emerge I and Thou must disappear.
:- Doug.
Conversation’s task: to tease two Thous from a state of not being able to play to a state of play.
:- Doug.
The primal function of conversation is not information transfer: rather the growing of community, between you and I, between you and a larger group. More so, converse seems to grow spirit, and not just in individuals nor groups of people alive now, but among people alive across times, perhaps beyond time. Spirit grows. Conversing grows. These may be the same thing.
:- Doug.
Gravity is a field; electromagnetism is a field; waves are fields. We each have a field, perhaps one of personality, perhaps one of the energy we elicit from others. We each are a field. We each enact a field, multiple fields.
:- Doug.