Unknown Coeur
Conversation’s Unknown Coeur
:- Doug.

Look about you! Conversation! Why do we—living beings all!—so love to converse?
:- Doug.
If relationships form an architecture
then I can almost touch
the threads as conversation weaves
There is so much conversation to learn. Can we fold converse back on architecture?
:- Doug.
Conversation is more than you have written. Sometimes you forget heart. Heart and you: One of you holds reins, it does not matter. You move as one.
:- Doug.
Why is conversation so beautiful, why is there poetry (did you hear your easy unrhymed words to me, this morn?), when yes and no and clipped sentences would get done our business?
:- Doug.
One with one
Also with a whole people
One writing to many
Or to generations
Murmurs of people to peoples
Momentous occasion speeches
Ordinary everyday
Tight squeeze humanity
Here conversation steals upon us
:- Doug.
If conversation were a ceremony
What would you here give?
Only something of yourself
:- Doug.
Conversation wells up from
a deep blood memory
to which we call, not realizing
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2148
When the stream flows
water takes on oxygen
and the fish live more intensely
This is our conversation
we the fish
the shade the eddies the rocks
the sun the raindrops
Please pass it on.
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Conversation is a ritual for belonging
Sometimes a sacrifice, a fire
Sometimes a thanksgiving
:- Doug.
Conversation brings quiescence to life
Marries, unnoticed, sacred and mundane
:- Doug.
The fairs, the outdoor bazaars, are conversation too. We are getting something from one another, giving by our presence. Passing it along to the next ones we meet. Touching in a glance, a word, a breath.
:- Doug.
I have been enjoying Braiding Sweetgrass. It also touches and gives a lot of thinking work, and so it is going deliciously slowly.
What is it about this book? It draws me in. It makes for me a give and touch place for holding the world. My world. It challenges me to exchange notions of a flow for taking part, for being home, milling about. For passing along, reciprocity, gratitude, drawing out, giving attention, giving care, giving coeur. Conversation is heart space. Blood.
:- Doug.