Water jug of life
Converse as if your life depended on it. (It does.)
Be ever in earnest. Conversation is the water jug of life.
:- Doug.

Converse as if your life depended on it. (It does.)
Be ever in earnest. Conversation is the water jug of life.
:- Doug.
Conversation is mystery: I’m in love with it, fascinated by it charms. I am also afraid of it and the work it requires of me.
:- Doug.
A conversation with our natural world suggests a need for listening and hearing, practices of breathing and hearing heart beats. Good conversations.
:- Doug.
Clean Language allows us to find what the other means, to explore what we might want to mean.
:- Doug.
Conversations are simultaneously a vocal, gestural, mundane activity, and a social, psychological, and spiritual undertaking. We forget.
:- Doug.
And I am so busy with studies, and with getting some computer work done, and family work, and the lawn and garden and needed repairs and cleaning! And I cannot just sit and reflect. And, and, and. Life is bigger, fuller, in need of me and I of it.
:- Doug.
How slowly the clouds move. But they do move. I look up and they are in a different place from a few moments or minutes ago. How do we miss their travels? What language do they speak in their conversations with the wind, and we do not know their tongue?
:- Doug.
At the end of my days I may be able to say I worked on (hinting I went out to) the conversations and the conversations worked on me; together we made a good home.
:- Doug.
Stories may not be simply a different way to converse, but a different conversation entirely.
:- Doug.
Donald J. Thief
stole the elephant
tried to steal the country
wants to steal your freedom
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2149
Why do we break bread together? Because we need food to go on living. And we need together even more: for the dynamic of living.
Please pass it on.
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In the family of humanity we have
Not obligation—responsibility
Not weights—roles
Not expectations—love
There is no one absolutely free
Except to choose
:- Doug.
Rework your works, your poem: increase their life and beauty. Rough beauty, feral life.
:- Doug.
I find poems
not just in flight from ear to mouth
but in bouncing book against book
:- Doug.