Other beings converse
In our laboratory, conversations change how we do science, change the meaning of science from things to study, to other beings with whom we converse. It is a wider world, a widening world.
:- Doug.

In our laboratory, conversations change how we do science, change the meaning of science from things to study, to other beings with whom we converse. It is a wider world, a widening world.
:- Doug.
In our region, babies are brought up to talk with strangers, birds, the sky, the moon.
:- Doug.
In this town we seek out new people. We seek to meet someone new each day. We seek, after worship on Sunday, the people we know least. We seek out longer conversations with the person.
:- Doug.
Ours differs from a world of factions and fractions: now our first interest is to seek out those who differ, to find out, to create, new pathways to each other’s minds and hearts.
:- Doug.
What might a world in conversation smell, sound, touch, taste, look like?
:- Doug.