Organism to last but a time
When a relation develops between two individuals or among three or more they are a wholly new organism to last but a time.
:- Doug.

When a relation develops between two individuals or among three or more they are a wholly new organism to last but a time.
:- Doug.
The reason our Western gods are anthropomorphic is we need around us other beings like us. The reason our Western gods speak to us is we crave conversation. Especially conversation that cuts our hearts in two.
What I miss in Eastern spirituality is the movement, the dynamics, the ping! All becomes saltless, sweetless, pabulum without even lumps.
:- Doug.
They experience their mother as burden and expense, and so miss the grace she brings.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2154
This life is a gift. I have received it and I treasure every breath of it. And when I am done with it, and my consciousness, I will lay them down and just ahead, I will accept what comes or does not come next. I have that choice I can make.
Please pass it on.
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Conversation is as essential among us as breath—and at least as mystical. Day by night I drop my bucket into the abyss unfathomed.
:- Doug.