Plan for our conversation:
Plan for our conversation
Things I want you to know
Things I want to find out
:- Doug.

Plan for our conversation
Things I want you to know
Things I want to find out
:- Doug.
Even if the conversation contains the cosmos, we can start with our neighborhood: the land under our feet. Dance for this home. It is conversation enough.
:- Doug.
How would we study this long-flow conversation? In geology. In the ontogenesis of the children and plants (apparently phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny has been thrown aside by biology). Cosmology.
:- Doug.
This is a new direction. It takes me past the building and teaching metaphors into the ageless flow, too slow to catch our attention. And yet including the too fast for us.
:- Doug.
This seems significant, this inventing a world bigger, taking part in a conversation bigger. In a sense the conversation bigger is there and we hardly recognize it. In another sense, if once we start attending this larger, might we take a more appropriate part in it? Not to direct it nor to profit from it, but to enrich it?
:- Doug.