Conversation the teacher
Conversation the teacher. My role is to bring people into the presence, invite them to hear, ready them to hear. To hear? Each other. To expand and invent. All us.
:- Doug.

Conversation the teacher. My role is to bring people into the presence, invite them to hear, ready them to hear. To hear? Each other. To expand and invent. All us.
:- Doug.
Writing is my reciprocal gift for receiving oxygen from this place. It follows to ask with what heart ought I to write?
:- Doug.
Sometimes I stand in the way of a deepening meeting conversation. Unwillingly willingly. I don’t want to hold it back; perversely, I do, as in my distraction a few days ago, sitting with F.
:- Doug.
“The plants are our oldest teachers” (Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass, p 213). What are they turning/tuning us toward?
:- Doug.