Why is there beauty?
Why is conversation so beautiful, why is there poetry (did you hear your easy unrhymed words to me, this morn?), when yes and no and clipped sentences would get done our business?
:- Doug.

Why is conversation so beautiful, why is there poetry (did you hear your easy unrhymed words to me, this morn?), when yes and no and clipped sentences would get done our business?
:- Doug.
One with one
Also with a whole people
One writing to many
Or to generations
Murmurs of people to peoples
Momentous occasion speeches
Ordinary everyday
Tight squeeze humanity
Here conversation steals upon us
:- Doug.
If conversation were a ceremony
What would you here give?
Only something of yourself
:- Doug.
Conversation wells up from
a deep blood memory
to which we call, not realizing
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2148
When the stream flows
water takes on oxygen
and the fish live more intensely
This is our conversation
we the fish
the shade the eddies the rocks
the sun the raindrops
Please pass it on.
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Conversation is a ritual for belonging
Sometimes a sacrifice, a fire
Sometimes a thanksgiving
:- Doug.