A quotation recited
A quotation recited
Can be a
For a conversation
For a life
:- Doug.
A quotation recited
Can be a
For a conversation
For a life
:- Doug.
What I learned from a recent difficult conversation:
When I got him talking things went better (I knew this, didn’t I?); when I was doing the talking he was holding back, preparing to defend himself. So one learning is less talking, more hearing. Another is asking for information and his perspective rather than telling. Not really surprising stuff.
The trouble with my analysis and plan for future conversations is that I could not, easily and with sureness, know what would be the other person’s reactions. I could make guesses, and can get better at guessing, but the effect of my preparation must await the fire to find out.
:- Doug.
Writing gives you more children running about, conversation even more. Running about: doing and saying the darnedest things.
:- Doug.
The test of conversation is whether it noticeably improves the life of the whole.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2127
No, you are not using conversation to get something done. Conversation is using you to keep the one conversation going. The one conversation is life.
Please pass it on.
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The unknowable conversation.
:- Doug.