Engaging contexts?
What do we not know of [engaging] contexts?
:- Doug.
What do we not know of [engaging] contexts?
:- Doug.
What is in the meetings and betweens of conversation and story? Of conversation and questions?
:- Doug.
What is implicit in conversation?
:- Doug.
This was a fruitful walkabout even if it took me afield.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2123
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What are the edges of this proposition that conversation makes persons? On one level we know that it takes at least a physical conjunction to make a human being. Deeper, the question asks what does it mean to be a person, and how is that a more nuanced and complex drawing out or enticing? That is a question we cannot answer finally and forever, for the threads branch and become finer, finer. The edges have no necessity of ending in life, but in nature it may be that even death and destruction are put to the service of making life.
:- Doug.