Our “together eyes”
Seeing with our “together eyes” is a higher logical level than seeing each person in his or her own orbital path.
:- Doug.
Seeing with our “together eyes” is a higher logical level than seeing each person in his or her own orbital path.
:- Doug.
I was worried that there would be no thrust to the book, the thesis, other than the drumbeat of What do we not know? The question is really, What do we not know of life? Then again, the question might be, Don’t we already know all we need to know of life? To keep learning it?
:- Doug.
How is all this news we can use? We cannot predict what your subjects will be. We cannot even suggest a method or create a statement of action or principles. However, we can state its purpose. Your purpose in conversing is life and all its closest living relatives: freedom; appropriateness; wholeness; fullness.
From here, all opens out.
:- Doug.
In what kind of a conversation can you like yourself, feel good about the whole conversation?
:- Doug.
As one person or between in this conversation is lifted, we too are lifted.
:- Doug.