Each of the characters
In conversation, as in dreams, see yourself as each of the characters.
:- Doug.
In conversation, as in dreams, see yourself as each of the characters.
:- Doug.
So how is conversation a built thing, a thing being constructed, a beautiful thing found in the wood or streams? It takes work, strength, stretching. Its beauty is often found in rustic, unfinished places, a chance expression in a clumsy speaking out. It is learned, it is found, it is made of things supporting the beauty and function of one another.
:- Doug.
This balloon is where we live our days
With what we feel and love and fight and know
Enshrouded in our guesses thick as haze
At that edge! We touch our ignorance
Dare we poke our finger through—and grow?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2113
The role of each participant is to complicate.
Please pass it on.
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Freire is objectifying reality, pitting it over against us, showing it as a problem to be worked, with the purpose of transforming that reality. When we see we are oppressed by our own less than conscious ways of accepting our stunted humanity, in that act of seeing we have initiated our transformation. But it is a seed with only a first watering.
:- Doug.