Abdicate your self
Abdicate your self
Let go hope
Get to work
:- Doug.

The centers in a conversation include the people, the betweens (physical, ethereal, and ephemeral), the light that dawns, the breath of fresh air brought by a person arriving, the reunion with a long absent friend. The centers also include the subject matter, the energy ebbs, flows, and waves. Rests, exercise, movement, and yes, sleeps are centers and could be called up consciously when needed.
:- Doug.
Just because there are edges beyond which we do not know does not prevent us from acting. Your action is called: test the very edges; work within what works: both simultaneously. We must continue to reflect and do: revise our theory, revise our practice. This is authentic praxis.
:- Doug.
I am intrigued that major flows of conversation could be traced to non-words: grunts, groans, gestures and music, poetry and rhythm, play and learning, differences. Allied to that is un-naming, avoiding tags, labels and other filters so as to really meet. Where might we get? What do we not know?
:- Doug.