I hear singing
Anywhere I see, I hear singing.
:- Doug.

I must believe that the people—these grandchildren—can converse deeply and complexly and want to do so, that they can take conversation to fruitful, humanizing, freeing places, that they can and will do so better and faster than I. Even if they will go different directions from me—but that is the point, isn’t it? Growth. Life.
:- Doug.
If we are each centers, and we each don’t know of what pulsing flows our centers consist, what questions will allow us to act and to live? For do we not act to live?
:- Doug.
Our thoughts are oppressors when we turn others from beings standing forth into background things to be manipulated, when we turn ourselves into wooden objects to be sanded and hammered. Instead, we must see us as kin, alive, carrying our own energy sources, soft, gentle, strong, funny, playful, war-makers, makers of all there might be, standing forth to face us.
:- Doug.
Progress is not solely in what we discover or invent but also in how we arrange things, in what complex we situate them, so that some old relationship added to some other might open new possibilities.
:- Doug.