Small and smooth
It facilitates adoption of change for the change to be small and smooth. Step by step we take our time so the dance is pleasant.
:- Doug.

It facilitates adoption of change for the change to be small and smooth. Step by step we take our time so the dance is pleasant.
:- Doug.
Conversation is us expanding
How we make sense of all this
And so our horizon of ignorance
Its weather stormy or overcast
Though most days we are foggy
:- Doug.
Kinds of conversation (never that and nothing more): 1. Tell receptionist my purpose; 2. Medical waiting room pass time, deal with nervousness; 3. Weather talk expressing common humanity; 4. Convey logisitics; 5. One worker telling another where something is; 6. Person calling up patient for tests; 7. Secretary offering seat for comfort. . . .
:- Doug.
Goals seek to make the task as simple (and so, achievable) as can be. The next logical level is purposes. These start to add subtext to text. The next level is something akin to values and culture: things start to get murkier and tangled, harder to pick out. It’s here where the large and lasting hangs out.
:- Doug.
Metaphors seem to share some aspects with logical types, or at least get us to seeing relationships among things which are dissimilar. There is an even closer relationship between metaphors and abductive thinking: using one thing similar to understand more about another close to hand. Metaphor and metachange: a transfer from one to another, a transfer that extends our thinking.
:- Doug.