Abdicate your self
Abdicate your self
Let go hope
Get to work
:- Doug.

The centers in a conversation include the people, the betweens (physical, ethereal, and ephemeral), the light that dawns, the breath of fresh air brought by a person arriving, the reunion with a long absent friend. The centers also include the subject matter, the energy ebbs, flows, and waves. Rests, exercise, movement, and yes, sleeps are centers and could be called up consciously when needed.
:- Doug.
Just because there are edges beyond which we do not know does not prevent us from acting. Your action is called: test the very edges; work within what works: both simultaneously. We must continue to reflect and do: revise our theory, revise our practice. This is authentic praxis.
:- Doug.
I am intrigued that major flows of conversation could be traced to non-words: grunts, groans, gestures and music, poetry and rhythm, play and learning, differences. Allied to that is un-naming, avoiding tags, labels and other filters so as to really meet. Where might we get? What do we not know?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2112
What I don’t like about conversation is I seldom get my way. Then I realize my strong continuing desire for the novel is being met by the continuing desire in all of us to be left as we were. All nature seems thus. The pull and the pull back keep things growing just enough. Sometimes I get some of my way.
Please pass it on.
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I must believe that the people—these grandchildren—can converse deeply and complexly and want to do so, that they can take conversation to fruitful, humanizing, freeing places, that they can and will do so better and faster than I. Even if they will go different directions from me—but that is the point, isn’t it? Growth. Life.
:- Doug.
If we are each centers, and we each don’t know of what pulsing flows our centers consist, what questions will allow us to act and to live? For do we not act to live?
:- Doug.
Our thoughts are oppressors when we turn others from beings standing forth into background things to be manipulated, when we turn ourselves into wooden objects to be sanded and hammered. Instead, we must see us as kin, alive, carrying our own energy sources, soft, gentle, strong, funny, playful, war-makers, makers of all there might be, standing forth to face us.
:- Doug.
Progress is not solely in what we discover or invent but also in how we arrange things, in what complex we situate them, so that some old relationship added to some other might open new possibilities.
:- Doug.
If we perceive logical types as contour lines on a map we learn how national political themes can play out in statewide, and into neighborhood basins or hills. It might help to understand the complex of themes, issues, and songs in which we swim and navigate our days. We have more choices in and influence on the smaller environs, and more immediately, yet the larger pinches us and cannot be ignored. Our conversation travels these rings and benefits if we see what we are doing, and where. It may indeed be that the logical types are not steps so much as gradual inclines. If we attend these contour lines we first meet dismay in how many and plaited they are, then we meet our ability to influence the entangled threads.
:- Doug.
What if Freire’s existence (that is, being in the work of becoming) were Alexander’s degree of life in everything? Especially if existence were seen on a continuum (which Freire does not allow)? Freire says English mixes up the etymology of live and exist. He writes, p 98: “As used here, “live” is the more basic term, implying only survival; “exist” implies a deeper involvement in the process of “becoming.”” The root of exist is stand out. Stand out means difference, and here we are into Gregory Bateson’s thinking on news, information, difference that makes a difference. Then the contour lines help things stand out.
:- Doug.
One effect of conversation is to call us into larger spaces of ourselves.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2111
Sometimes I want to explain, to give details and examples. Then I remember the farmer’s simple hand-wrought gate opens to a meadow of 100 visible species, sky, and a stream. There swings your invitation.
Please pass it on.
© c 2022, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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What is the flavor of a dried sweet cranberry? Savor in your mouth’s memory the shape, astringent nuttiness, and soft crunch of an almond. Bring to mind the salty aroma of your lover. All turns. Touches. Receive the conversation of these.
:- Doug.
Dialogue is nurtured in human incompleteness. Can we only grow when we do not exist?
:- Doug.
For me to open up to my wife and children has been really difficult and usually I fail. In a familiar relationship we develop shorthand and habits. Habits get encrusted. Shorthand becomes code. Eventually (without working at it), we are left with crusts and grunts—empty of real communication, empty of openness and vulnerability, let alone of conversation. It takes fresh effort, and courage, to step through.
:- Doug.
Part of conversational context are the attitudes of people—resignation, questioning, transforming, energized. These must be recognized too.
:- Doug.