Precisely here
What we see often is a mis-match between our metaphors (our thinking ways) and our world: Do we apply mechanical words to living things? We get into trouble precisely here.
:- Doug.

What we see often is a mis-match between our metaphors (our thinking ways) and our world: Do we apply mechanical words to living things? We get into trouble precisely here.
:- Doug.
I don’t like solutions because I don’t want to be dissolved, and more importantly because solution is the wrong place to look.
:- Doug.
These concepts require poetic hearing
for the ages and the peoples do billow and surge
and green and brown and season and become
juicy and dry and needful again of
entering the chrysalis
:- Doug.
God: particle or wave? I hold closer to wave. What I am seeing is something like this: God is not. God waves.
:- Doug.
The progress we seek is toward life and toward being in rhythm with the process of living.
:- Doug.
Our stomach tells our brain it’s hungry. Or the brain tells the stomach. When, actually, is hungry? What is hungry? Our mind evidently is someplace in between, in the messages: the conversation, another part of your mind, says No, we’re not yet hungry enough.
:- Doug.
It’s not about figuring out how to control the events, nor how to respond to the events, but through all events, allowing the ambiguity and uncertainty to flow around and through you.
:- Doug.
Too many things to keep in mind. No! Don’t keep it in mind, if by mind you mean your own brain. But do keep it in mind if by mind you mean all of us, and all of our bodies, and all of this.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2104
Talk with your children. Talk with your grandchildren. Invite them to hear one another. We may have only this one chance where there is an entire generation of grandmas and grandpas to invite those who come next.
Please pass it on.
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If we are in an ocean of relatedness, how is it best to move, or not? If we know we cannot control the ocean? Can we admit our splashing does not change the currents, temperature, or composition of the ocean? But still touches these, somehow?
:- Doug.
When the demented person understands the tone, but not the words, there is yet communication.
:- Doug.