Pulling from you?
When we are talking, what am I pulling from you? What is the conversation in all its largeness, and the surround, calling from us? And we from them?
:- Doug.

When we are talking, what am I pulling from you? What is the conversation in all its largeness, and the surround, calling from us? And we from them?
:- Doug.
Between participants look for any arising potentiality for change which is presently uncommitted. Is not uncommitted essential to this potentiality?
:- Doug.
The purpose of conversation may be entirely different from the intent. The intent of participant A may be to get B to take action x, and B’s intent may be to get A to take a varying action. But at a meta level, the purpose might be to advance the economy or the society. More: the effect might be to take a direction neither A nor B nor the economy nor the society saw coming. The purpose and effect of conversation is to bring about change. It brings change by introducing difference, also called variety, also called context. Also called life.
:- Doug.
Keep in mind that the speaker’s question may be instead the answer to the hearer’s immanent internal question, allowing change to proceed. The speaker may not cause anything, merely allow a door to swing upon a hinge needing oil.
:- Doug.