As she floats by
Conversation is not what is said; rather who is possible to catch as she floats by.
:- Doug.

Conversation is not what is said; rather who is possible to catch as she floats by.
:- Doug.
Not who am I, not Know thyself: Who, moment to moment, is this flow within the flow, who is this neighbor among only neighbors, as far as the travels may go?
:- Doug.
What does it mean that in a conversation the food on our plate disappears and we were only vaguely aware of eating? Are we simply distracted? Does this breaking bread together cause something to happen in the participants? That is, the “together” part? We have been enculturated that food shared helps the conversation, and conversely that conviviality aids the digestion. But is there more at work? In our bones a species memory of caves and campfires? Physical digestive juices stirring and being stirred by metaphoric juices of the mind?
:- Doug.
Sometimes we must hold to our attention. Other times, let go. It is the second which we easily miss. Just being in the presence of something or someone might be enough. Or of more worth than a drilling attention. Softly for now.
:- Doug.
Groups simplify the complexity that would be found in the conversations of two or three people. The two or three can stay their disparate courses; but a group which continues must simplify to either one view or process, or divide between opposing ones: multiplicity tends to be tamped.
:- Doug.