Learning home
However we may be constituted, as mammals for example, we can learn. It is perhaps here where my work finds home.
:- Doug.

However we may be constituted, as mammals for example, we can learn. It is perhaps here where my work finds home.
:- Doug.
I seem to be studying some by random juxtaposition, for example Gregory Bateson’s climax/orgasm as the goal orientation of our culture.
:- Doug.
Progress in this work is slower, more gentle and delicate than I had expected, and yet felt.
:- Doug.
Humans possess a desire to know another—to grasp the other’s experience. This is likely beneath and before languages. It is the first conversation.
:- Doug.
Conversation, like breathing, must be done again every time. No matter how perfect the last one, we must start all over with the next, if we are to keep living. Is there progress? Is there getting better? We may get better at whatever breathing allows us to do. Conversation, unlike breathing, is seemingly more open to conscious attempts at influence. There is a chance to get better.
:- Doug.