Disturb conversation
We disturb conversation.
:- Doug.

There is a difference between daring and how. Yet can I dare without electing a how? Yet I can choose a how this meeting. And the next. Beginning again. It may not be best, but it is stepping forward.
:- Doug.
You are complex. So too I. In us the heft of human complexity. Let us find its worth.
:- Doug.
There are three parts to any great work: the beginning again; the muddle; and the beginning again.
:- Doug.
Start a conversation by looking to see—draw the inside corner of the other’s eye for one minute without looking at the page and with one continuous line. Let us to get to know and see our conversation partner.
:- Doug.
Say someone you love is seriously ill and people’s ears perk up, they lean toward you. We are made of compassion.
:- Doug.