People repair
If you were to repair or heal humanity.…
Alexander speaks of site repair: what’s this mean in the human realm? What is most important about humans? What could be made better?
:- Doug.

If you were to repair or heal humanity.…
Alexander speaks of site repair: what’s this mean in the human realm? What is most important about humans? What could be made better?
:- Doug.
What is the most good you could do with generations at your elbow? What would be one of the first things to work on?
:- Doug.
One disputable container: Human should be. . .
organized around something larger than love.
:- Doug.
How would you design a meaningful humanity? What would we do differently?
:- Doug.
Are you thinking big as you can? What is the most good you could do with people of generations from now?
:- Doug.
Why? What is possible for humanity and all life!
Why? We can increase the reaching for this possible, and perhaps in the process the possibles themselves.
:- Doug.
Why, Again? Humanity is compressing into itself, in risk of boiling over, exploding, killing off other forms of life as it goes. Humanity has great promise in its symphonies and astrophysics, its imaginations and colors and languages, in its spirit, O its spirit! And then we go shopping and dig out our mountains to make weapons to destroy not only life but the planet that nurtures these living beings. The tragedy is not my Why—the great promise is.
:- Doug.
Do as much life as you can, lift up all life, find ways for it to create life larger. Do as much life as you can.
:- Doug.
We are a milling of persons, each one of us. Not merely emotions passing, but confused and sure of ourselves, exploring and implacable. This is me.
:- Doug.