First know her story
How would I introduce Sarah? I first have to get to know her story.
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 2095
My credo (which for me means “I give my heart to”) is in questions: What questions will most intensify life? What story can we write? Who needs our touch? What most deeply matters? Who helps? Who wants to become more whole? Who are we when we peel away all the layers? How do we touch the one? To what will we give our hearts?
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So our meeting will be of value, what do we ancestors choose to offer one another?
:- Doug.
Your invitation to the ancestors must include questions. Ask about their sense of purpose in our topic. Ask them about their rawest exposed wounds.
:- Doug.
What pre-meeting work must I do? To show the people of the 11th Generation: I need and want their help; I will shoulder my part of the load. Then they may attend.
:- Doug.
When you realize
Those are your people
Out there
In futuro
The moment of discovery
:- Doug.
Now I find myself wondering (and wandering) if there is a timeless way of doing human of which we regularly and overwhelmingly lose the scent and music.
:- Doug.
What of the mycelia and the roots and the things going on in the underland can we work with?
:- Doug.
Thich Nhat Hanh offers a walking meditation in which we use the soles of our feet to plant love. How about harvesting? What will we harvest with our soles?
:- Doug.
Sitting in an elder’s presence is holy time. It could happen for you, sitting in your own presence.
:- Doug.
In the stream of ancestors who has more power? Those ahead, us, or those behind?
:- Doug.
What is unequal among generations? How to level the gradient and work together?
:- Doug.
I dream of a people who can walk and talk and dream for centuries. What is a dream you want to go on for centuries?
:- Doug.