Straight ahead
as straight ahead
as it gets
:- Doug.

I will know I have found the trailhead when each step leads us to terrain rich in unanswerable questions demanding our unswerving attention.
:- Doug.
Now my client is humanity. I must discover and advise the ways open to our development. More, I must study and then point to the ones most likely to get us where we ought best approach.
:- Doug.
What the 11th generation has taught me, so far, is that no one can predict what will be the good, the true, the beautiful for others yet to be born, yet to settle into a place. I take from this that we can best put our efforts into encouraging each other to look for the good and ever lean into it, even when we fall. Look into ourselves, our forbears, our offspring: each can teach; each can learn.
:- Doug.
Worship is mainly showing up. Same for prayer. Same for conversation.
:- Doug.
What today opens to me is the recognition that we all carry (perhaps all) flaws, some potentially fatal. We can therefore be school to one another, boosting up one another, to keep us to our higher and better characteristics.
Character is symbol or imprint of the soul. Now this is fruitful: we are here to boost one another’s souls. So we study one another, as if books alive, and each draws out the other as well as him-or herself. This is the purpose of conversation.
:- Doug.
We are a school book for one another, demonstrating, deconstructing, and sometimes explicating good traits, good actions, good directions, and in relief to these, a flaw, perhaps tragic. (Can we use our recognition of this flaw to turn us, the all-inclusive us?)
:- Doug.
I do not know what is the base good for any person. Nor yet whether there is one for all persons (and I now doubt there is such). But can we find a path to uncovering it?
:- Doug.
Imagine standard issue folks feeling their own pull to find and make new human paths.
:- Doug.
Doing human better is dialogue, argument, among opposing ideas. It does not just require this clangor, it is it. It is a type of democracy. It is life and growth.
Who will argue with us? We! I with me. You with your family and friends.
:- Doug.