When you sound us out
What is the bedrock no further
When you sound us out?
:- Doug.

Imagine standard issue folks feeling their own pull to find and make new human paths.
:- Doug.
Doing human better is dialogue, argument, among opposing ideas. It does not just require this clangor, it is it. It is a type of democracy. It is life and growth.
Who will argue with us? We! I with me. You with your family and friends.
:- Doug.
Can we ask ourselves questions that dive beneath the foundations of our questions?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2096
We think we are particles
We are also waves
Waves of people flowing down highways
Flowing, surging, ebbing through life
Waves of humanity through history
Flowing to new places, new times
Waves of family flowing together
Meeting, meeting, meeting
Young mother and babe
Old one helping young learn
Going out here, out there
Coming back, finding friends
Finding we are who we are together
Together again
Waves have us together
Drops in the seas
Seas full of power
Seas full of life
Waves full of power
Waves full of stillness
Waves full of life
Alone is true
Together is more whole
We thought we were particles
We found we are also waves
Please pass it on.
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