Harvesting with soles?
Thich Nhat Hanh offers a walking meditation in which we use the soles of our feet to plant love. How about harvesting? What will we harvest with our soles?
:- Doug.

Thich Nhat Hanh offers a walking meditation in which we use the soles of our feet to plant love. How about harvesting? What will we harvest with our soles?
:- Doug.
Sitting in an elder’s presence is holy time. It could happen for you, sitting in your own presence.
:- Doug.
In the stream of ancestors who has more power? Those ahead, us, or those behind?
:- Doug.
What is unequal among generations? How to level the gradient and work together?
:- Doug.
I dream of a people who can walk and talk and dream for centuries. What is a dream you want to go on for centuries?
:- Doug.
Human is not something we own and do not have to maintain. It is something we work towards. It is a skill we can improve. What are you offering to those following you?
:- Doug.