Hear softer
Hear softer
Human better
:- Doug.

People pull us away from our path
yet it is for people
and we are able to call and send people onto the path
:- Doug.
The path pulls us away from comfort, what we have known, who we imagined ourselves to be. Here its rigor.
:- Doug.
There are few in number who will take this path. It calls and sends. Incessantly. Insistently. Few who try will give their last drop of blood. They want to, but will be pulled back. They are forgiven this sliding—and are called and sent ever more insistently. For the more we delay the longer before life progresses. Consciously. We know. Knowing, we are called and sent. We know.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2092
Be altared by what you hear.
Please pass it on.
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These are anointed ones. Among us: of, by, from, and for us. Small a anointed, small c christs.
:- Doug.
The cry of the ancestor
the one who paddled the canoe
for eons
the plash with the cry will be heard
for eons
this one’s blood mingles with yours
and you, you are handed the paddle
:- Doug.
So far only shadows
softly a breeze tantalizes
the curtain’s edges
gestation before labor
waiting is harder
than thinking and writing
—and more necessary
:- Doug.
Binary: people see things as this or that, black or white, a clean and clear cleaving. Like cleave, we split and stick, all at once.
:- Doug.
There is an ancient battle between the humus and the anti-humus, the organic and the anti-organic, the human and the anti-human.
More specifically, I am engaged in the battle against the anti-humus. I am pro-human, which means pro-diversity. Much of what we do in this age, from commercializing nature to demonizing whole countries and peoples, is anti-human. We can do better. Better means a whole lot better. We can get conscious and purposeful about it.
Example: how Trump speaks of others, how we speak of Trump. There is no compassion on either side. I for one do not want to show him any compassion, any fellow-feeling. See how I miss?
Example: politics has degenerated into two camps who will not meet, let along converse. They are all good guys/bad guys to each other. We seem to be headed to a break up of the country, even the world. Yet how do we do that, since we live together? Do we have a new civil war, till we are tired of death and maiming?
Example: we have a pandemic and people oppose doing anything about slowing its spread. They evidently see it as a conspiracy against their rights, their rights to ignore their relation to their neighbors. Their responsibility to their neighbors.
We are each and all ignorant of something of our neighbors. We can open our ears and eyes and learn of them. We can open to those who are not people being our neighbors. We can develop reverence for life.
:- Doug.