Sell playfully
Sell it playfully.
:- Doug.

Whom can I ask? I can ask anyone. How can I ask? The only answer is haltingly, with trembles. Knowing how to ask, calculating some words to throw out, does not work as I have found. Perhaps I will get to something that does work. Perhaps it requires shaking and showing fear.
:- Doug.
So much of telling the story comes down to “describing the human condition” rather than improving how we travel the way. So much of improving the world or humans on the other common approach comes down to preaching and telling people what they ought to do. My desire is to work with each other to go beyond what we have figured out so far. I evidently reject the notion that it is all figured out already. We don’t seem to be able to do that, now do we? And who are we to say or know what is better or possible except in the trying?
:- Doug.
So the grandchild elder of 300 years is a stranger to us. This grandchild elder is on a difficult journey, too. Life is a difficult journey, full also of joy and helpers. Offering rest, an ear, and a meal are our holy duty to those we meet on the way.
:- Doug.
Will you offer this one
on a difficult journey
pausing at your door
a meal and a bed?
:- Doug.