Bigger workshop now
I have a bigger workshop
With a bigger playground
:- Doug.

When did you stop playing with wonder? Can you get it back? For the good of all of us?
:- Doug.
I’m asking grandchildren of wonder
What have you learned?
Why are you here?
Can we do human wonderfully?
About what do you wonder?
:- Doug.
What can we say of value to
What can we hear of value from
Our children 11 times removed?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2086
The course of my life, I am thinking today, will be a study in conversations: wonderful to terror-filled, and all between. What makes a conversation that makes your life? If we discover this, we can lean into conversing across the centuries, and across our dinner tables.
Please pass it on.
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Imagine you’re at a reunion and you meet your cousin 11 times removed, and you start comparing the wonders of your lives.
:- Doug.
What game would you offer to play with them to find our common humanity? What is the qwoan that makes us human, recognizable to one another?
:- Doug.
After you get past all the questions about What does your house, work, and transportation look like, once you get down to what life is about, how would you find what worries and quandaries and wonders we have in common?
:- Doug.
What questions would you ask them? What questions would matter to you, and to them? There’s where it is weak in wonder—what do we do after we have a name?
:- Doug.