Wonder stems toward beauty
If wonder stems from our reach toward beauty, then wonder is the principle of conversation: beauty, fascination, and wonder are revealed through the others in the conversation.
:- Doug.

If wonder stems from our reach toward beauty, then wonder is the principle of conversation: beauty, fascination, and wonder are revealed through the others in the conversation.
:- Doug.
This substance (this stuff of the world—remember, not a thing, an action) then is weather—the storming and caressing of conversation, and when we really know what it is, it is the qwoan. We take the task of revealing it. Progressively. Incrementally. To ourselves as much as to others.
:- Doug.
tip-toeing near
the breeze whispers
into the many
ears of the trees
the trees angrily
wave their many fists
at the gale
This, now
is also conversation
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2085
Plants in the garden—you, I, all of us. We do not stand out, we see how the others please. Together, then, the garden pulses, weeps. This is different from what in our hard-charging days we thought we were about. Our duty is to help others notice the precious life that happens in our vicinity.
Please pass it on.
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