Not making conversation
Not making conversation
we are entering into
what is already and always
:- Doug.

Not making conversation
we are entering into
what is already and always
:- Doug.
Here we translate Alexander’s concepts from physical space to conversational space. If you will, to living space, not a large leap.
:- Doug.
Conversation is the whole of which we are a constituent part and from which we therefore emerge. Conversation is a larger thing than word and includes the gestural conversation your mother and father had that directly led to begetting you. Conversation includes playing with a dog and crying silently and inconsolably in the back of a funeral. You are brought forth as a person when your father’s eyes and your mother’s eyes gaze into yours before your cord is cut. This is how conversation keeps making life, how conversation keeps bringing us into the world. Ahh but how do we make wonderful conversation in return, bring forth life?
:- Doug.