Make wonderful converse
Let us discover how to make wonderful converse.
:- Doug.

Conversation is how we get better at human. More: it is the human of human.
:- Doug.
I see now that conversing’s turning is an unfolding of ourselves one and several and an enfolding of one another. The embrace of dance, the warmth of the living eating critters beneath our toes out of our sight. All entangled, entwined, plaited. Dig your toes into the mud!
:- Doug.
What are the conversations of your life? Which have been the most alive for you?
:- Doug.
Predicted: some homely little thing will hold a commonly well-felt qwoan.
:- Doug.
Proposed: There are human things we do today which will be recognizable to those living truly living 300 years off, and there are human things we will do then that will be recognizable to those of us truly living now. And the things recognized will also be things which bring the qwoan more alive in us.
:- Doug.