Entrances experiment
Try this experiment: walk, look at entrances: which feel good, which bad? And what is the tension those entrances step through, mediate?
:- Doug.

Try this experiment: walk, look at entrances: which feel good, which bad? And what is the tension those entrances step through, mediate?
:- Doug.
Once, the ancient man and his adventurous grandson made a game, looking all through the yard and woods behind for critters to study. They laughed and made so much noise and fun, that soon the boy’s mother, the man’s daughter, came to see what it was all about. She joined in the fun and crawling around, getting the knees of her favorite white pants full of mud. “I’ll never get that out,” she said. That night they all three had dreams about the mud and using the sap from several trees in the woods to get out the stain. For weeks they mixed saps and ideas and finally found a combination that worked on all manner of stains. Mother found a way to make big batches, grandfather devised a marketing plan, grandson sold many many bottles of the stuff, and they lived happily together.
:- Doug.
Blame it on sex: without sexual reproduction, there would be much less meeting, much less creativity, many fewer mistakes, much less learning.
:- Doug.
To human is to converse is to meet. I have not found anything more of our essence.
:- Doug.
Conversation serves because it is a genetic process. We are not going to construct or assemble this conversation, but grow it.
:- Doug.
By deep, we often mean organic, alive, heartfelt, pure, of the full stuff.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2080
Our coming elders are an army of fireflies—spreading out all over the earth—rarely seen except in the dark, providing inspiration only when we look for them, doing work unknown to us.
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