Question as agenda
So I go today with a question, opening space to hear and touch what we may. The question is the agenda.
:- Doug.

So I go today with a question, opening space to hear and touch what we may. The question is the agenda.
:- Doug.
It is this beyond connection: it is knowing, completely unveiled, exploring there.
:- Doug.
My ignorance bubble is expanding, so that the more I find of my edges, the less I know of myself.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2077
Eating meals together brings intimacy. Such is one message of Annie Murphy Paul in an article, I was comparing that to a TV ad for a diet supplement: A man is walking past a group of people and one asks him if he wants some cake. “No” he says delighted in his ability to resist caloric temptation. There are at least two ways to see this: it is raising up individual separation from the group, will power, and the down sides of doing whatever others are doing; and it is also sadly dividing off the person from the intimacy gained from eating together, encouraging outcast-making of the group and the individual.
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