How do we experiment?
So how do we experiment and explore what makes a conversation wonderful?
:- Doug.

So how do we experiment and explore what makes a conversation wonderful?
:- Doug.
The work of conversation is ask one another leathery questions: to explore the mystery of human.
:- Doug.
Someone said we’re either running from or to something—there is something or someone we despise or fear or love or want. Which way am I?
:- Doug.
What makes a conversation wonderful? This is something people have been working on for eons—and still don’t have a handle on—and probably shouldn’t.
:- Doug.
Here are our three key questions for starters: 1. What is conversation and how is it done more wonderfully? 2. What is human and how is it done more wonderfully? 3. What might we want from conversing across 11 generations, and how might it be done more wonderfully?
:- Doug.
A person is not a building; a conversation is not a house; a community is not a town: but they do afford us ways to turn our thinking about these things.
:- Doug.
We’re doing something more profound than connecting—perhaps we’re gathering. We are gathering pieces of ourselves that others have. We’re sitting by someone’s hearth, sharing. Food. Stories. Laughter. We’re making each other whole.
:- Doug.
What entrance transitions do we need to a deepening conversation? How have we seen transitions accomplished?
:- Doug.
So we are about making the other centers strong. We have to differentiate, make distinct, give personhood to. This means we cannot avoid conflict, and yet conflict is not necessary to differentiation: there is also compare and contrast and rainbows bumping and jostling and loosening.
How is the question. Walking talking is a start. Putting several into the same space. Marketplace. Drawing out each other. And then remember the void, the silence, the cool dark water unperturbed.
:- Doug.
I was thinking it was about magic, but it is not. It is about energy and power; it is about creating; it is about life; it is about fire; it is about the qwoan.
:- Doug.
So we are back to poetry are we? Language dripping with meaning and sounding of depths.
:- Doug.
I want to increase the intensity in our meetings. This, at the moment, for me, is what increases the qwoan of a conversation, the wonderful quotient—how many wonderfuls?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2083
Listening to Krista Tippett’s On Being podcast on the way, especially back, something touched me, deeply, reminded me. Re-minded. Re-hearted. About the life and death conversations I have hosted. What have you just read, heard? Felt? How have you been touched? This is my Why—to touch this deepest spot-moment in the human, the place where we meet. Here we can meet across centuries, millennia. This person she is interviewing, Bryan Doerries, produces Greek plays, tragedies. And this points to a deeper impossible work: Presenting life and life choices (do you just live-exist, or do you live-alive?); presenting death and death choices (we will die, but to what first?). That’s a stark choice. With depth. A Why with a bite. This is a happy search: for the selfless, timeless place-moment where lives meet and entangle.
Please pass it on.
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My course of working is in memories, dreams, and reveries: ahead, constellated, and behind: the no longer known, the possible impossible: the qwoan.
:- Doug.