Ready to listen?
Are you ready to listen to your grandchildren?
:- Doug.

How might our grandchildren in their later years change what we do now? Might our changes loop to them?
:- Doug.
What work do you want for your grandchildren? Especially in their later creative years? What work do you not want for them?
:- Doug.
If you could engage your grandchildren in their later creative years what would you talk about? What project would you want to work on together?
:- Doug.
In this conversation we have heard about wide-ranging interests, reading widely, and learning at depth: what other qualities do you think are the better human qualities? What about qualities around grief and loss and tears? Will your grandchildren, after a long life different from yours, agree?
:- Doug.
What three or five humans do you think were the best? What qualities make for best?
:- Doug.
If we could engage our grandchildren what could we try next to human better? What feedback loop could we try?
:- Doug.
How would you engage your own grandchildren at the time they are feeling for a long perspective?
:- Doug.