Deeper paddling
If we want to go further in time-space, we may have to go slower, stick our paddles in deeper.
:- Doug.

If we want to go further in time-space, we may have to go slower, stick our paddles in deeper.
:- Doug.
We have an idiosyncratic way of imaging our world; it morphs from generation to generation. Just now we love our computer metaphors: networks, bandwidth, calculations per second. Life will change these, gradually and dramatically.
:- Doug.
I want to meet you. I am afraid to meet you. I hold back. You are fearful. Why do I have a hard time knowing your hospitality? There is a fear of meeting. We want to help those in peril, even stranger or other. Here a way. Exercise: you meet a later one, and are confronted with the large peril or injury to this one. How to help?
:- Doug.
I seem to be on the cusp of something that is becoming clearer as it grows. It is burgeoning, perhaps threatening to drown me. Perhaps then I arise new. Or I die. Haptic, write the haptic. Hold it, turn it around, crack it open, peel it, toss it in the air, see if it bounces. Mix them up, put eyes in the skin, tangles in the roots.
:- Doug.
Seeking 1 or 2 people with whom I can explore how to communicate with people 300 years from now; . . .how to design deeper questions.
:- Doug.
Head on: We know we cannot talk with people 300 years on (we can question this later); so how would we communicate to them—and receive from them?
:- Doug.
Invite us to caricature and exaggerate, so as to learn of the later ones.
:- Doug.
Invite conversation with later elders: the elder writes with your dominant hand and you answer with your other. This forces us to understand and meet more of what we know, do, and are.
:- Doug.