gossamer skills
We are working on specific skills for grasping the gossamer.
:- Doug.

Now to focus beyond one family on a whole people. Now to focus on a generation, eleven away. Now to focus on generating generations human.
:- Doug.
I did not know what this course would be when first it thunk me. I will not know it except in the encounter. I will not know my people, these generations, except in the over against.
:- Doug.
This course, my life, teaches me by interocepting, strolling, gesturing, negative spacing, nature. . .
These then teach us about human. They open a walk with the generations.
:- Doug.
I don’t have to think of Monday, or in this holiday weekend Tuesday, as back to work. Every day is work, every day is open. How my thinking is changing!
:- Doug.
With a creation like Jackson Pollock’s Number 14, do you shout, whisper, or question “Done”?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2070
The central mystery is that the world is made by conversation.
Please pass it on.
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This idea of gesture and seeing gesture more broadly is opening up more of the path through the brambles. Here there be berries!
:- Doug.