Others fit
Of soul-mates
you and I sadly partial
happily in the gaps
others fit
seeds grow
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 2064
I digress. But if we are on this “gress” together and happy and pleased with one another, who’s to say it is not instead the best “gress?”
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Life is profusion and experiment and staidness. It is right. Do these—all!—and live. Live for life! A new poem each day. Hear your Muses, listen to your Sirens.
:- Doug.
We are presented with
a circus of possibilities
and then we go home
with our spouse
—maybe that’s best
:- Doug.
The morning after conversation: we only learn from a conversation after a sleep a reflection and then a search. Links and gaps sleep and distraction. A spark needs a gap. And two other things.
:- Doug.
“Each person has not one age but many.” (Theodore Zeldin) So what ages are you?
:- Doug.
And mirrors! To reverse the image and see more, hear more, hold more in one’s hand!
:- Doug.
Not just the connections we make with others grows us, but the gaps as well. Alice’s rabbit hole was far from empty! Interactions include non-acting.
:- Doug.
The Muse is whispering so we must make the effort not just to listen but to hear.
:- Doug.
After a meeting ends: more reflection makes for more significance.
:- Doug.