Its secrets
What are the mysteries of humanity? Its secrets?
:- Doug.

What will it take for us to finally get down to productive questions?
:- Doug.
Can time shrink, can we shrink our concept of time, to the dimensions of a country?
:- Doug.
I am seeking of humanity its spiritual promise. What is truly necessary to exercise our finer capacities?
:- Doug.
I am curious about each of my seven grandchildren and what they see of the world, their world. What are they curious and curious about?
:- Doug.
We ought dig into our curiosity about what the people are thinking, how they human. We can do human better, be human better.
:- Doug.
Hearth is home, heat, food, digestion, safety, story, conversation, danger, smoke, welcome.
:- Doug.
This is standing outside myself. Getting out of my skin. Buoyancy, a new reach.
:- Doug.
It’s about meeting. Meeting our grandchildren. Meeting our grandparents.
:- Doug.
There is a danger of which to be acutely aware, that we create a feedback loop shrill and disabling.
:- Doug.
This course is to extend our powers of imaginative exploration.
:- Doug.
I’m not so sure it is of any help—she chooses a different path.
Not my suggestions, but this conversation itself is helping her.
:- Doug.