A barrier crossed
This morning I dreamed long and deep. Though the details are gone, I know progress and contact have each been made. A barrier has been crossed.
:- Doug.

This morning I dreamed long and deep. Though the details are gone, I know progress and contact have each been made. A barrier has been crossed.
:- Doug.
I am going from counseling with people to moving together through a landscape curious and wild.
:- Doug.
The big question upon which to work is Can we human better? The smaller questions are With whom do we work, and How.
:- Doug.
Why do we want to reach toward the past and the future? What other purposes are there beyond sheltering, yielding, and disposing?
:- Doug.
This substancing some call mind, some spirit. This verb-noun, this gerundive, this thing-action is the stuff of life, and living, and possibly all beyond. We-I. Whatever, wherever, however it is and does, this making is our home, and our proper service. We can help one another.
:- Doug.
Not only conversation, community also. Community with ancestors fore and aft. Might we gain?
:- Doug.
A guess starts to open mysteries: a pick to touch the lock’s first cylinder, a finger that might beckon us inside the first curtain.
:- Doug.
To guess about another human with them is far better than to ignore them.
:- Doug.
What we don’t know of necessity exceeds what we do know, and especially what we know that cannot be so. Our increasing knowledge, a bubble in the night, only increases our contact with and desire for the unknown.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2065
Our family roots are tangled: consider in the last 11 generations you have had 2048 grandparents. Consider how much will and ingenuity and strength and character they have mingled into your blood. Recall that roots in the woods bring information, nourishment, and intelligence: you may then know the largeness of you.
Please pass it on.
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What you dream up is real. The fact you invented it out of whole cloth does not deny its reality. It exists. At last. As real as the stories we all tell ourselves of what our spouses, children, friends, and the president are up to.
:- Doug.
Experiment vs exercise: Watching, wakeful, follow, play, weigh, to test, to try. It gives it a focus truer to what we want: collaboration to see what might happen.
:- Doug.
If it is within us and our experience it might be within theirs in 300 years. Experiment here to uncover human.
:- Doug.