That flip in your wave
You have the glimmer
That flip in your wave
So when I meet you
I’m meeting one carrying
Hints of humanity’s future
:- Doug.

You have the glimmer
That flip in your wave
So when I meet you
I’m meeting one carrying
Hints of humanity’s future
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2054
Beware the
We call
Their fleece
Please pass it on.
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Metaphor is how we get to Heaven—or about any other place we think we’re headed.
:- Doug.
Comparisons are how humans think, how chiefly we persuade. We travel along at 90/mph (metaphors per hour).
:- Doug.
It is said the heart’s awakening is a slow process: might it be so also for the human race?
:- Doug.
How people are sometimes able to see the world in a new light, or hear it in a new song.
:- Doug.