Only the next phase
My new title does not have to serve for the rest of my life: only the next phase.
:- Doug.

My new title does not have to serve for the rest of my life: only the next phase.
:- Doug.
Reach across generations, meet in the middle, expressly to make us more human: and each generation says “human” with a different accent!
:- Doug.
We reach across the generations, they reach across to us. Meeting, we can purposely make humanity more human. The fun challenge is that human will mean something different to each generation.
:- Doug.
My dream is to make humanity more human by generations reaching purposely to one another.
:- Doug.
I’m reaching across ages for a tiny bit better humanity. for finding our better humanity.
:- Doug.
Perhaps I have not set myself afire, yet. I have discovered there are possibilities and realities here. But I have next to open the doors, windows, and skylights to these folks. On either end and here in the middle.
:- Doug.
My exploratorium is a train of many windows and feelers carrying me inside panoramas poetic, aromatic, juicy, chewy, bitter, and tragic.
:- Doug.
If the book does not befuddle me, make me question myself, perhaps it does not challenge.
:- Doug.
Why continually trying something new is the meaning of history, perhaps humanity.
:- Doug.
As we in this course meet, however we “meet,” we are an example of how humans can reach across to one another. How then?
:- Doug.
I am carried along by an untamed idea; I must get on this beast and ride and try to turn its head to good.
:- Doug.
We conduct an experiment in reaching across generational edges to see how we might advance humanity.
:- Doug.
Before you write off the people in the distance, come and give me a hand. Then you may do as you like.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2053
Saturday morning
lingers abed
poems writing me
Please pass it on.
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