Holding on for 300 years
This tension trying our souls—how do we hold it for 300 years?
:- Doug.

So how many ways do we have to talk, to meet? Beyond the voice and literature? Eyes from mother to baby, touch, gesture, music? How about prayer, worship, inspiration, enthusiasm, imagination? Memory, dreams, biological pull, breath, silence, presence? Can any of these possibly transcend distance? Time?
:- Doug.
Do women have a special connection with offspring and possibly foregoing generations, wherein they already converse, turn, and talk, tell?
:- Doug.
Has it always taken two legs to walk, a continuous falling forward, an up and down of our heads?
:- Doug.
It’s a problem that we don’t talk to and of the generations. It’s a problem the generations are not heard by us. It’s a problem we can work on. Together. All generations.
:- Doug.
Can we talk with the 300-year grandchildren and hear them talk with us? Not so quick: hold that tension. Either is conceivable. The stretching is the key. Here imagination stirs.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2037
What the grandchildren need is a good talking with!
Please pass it on.
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Consider: democracy means every meeting of two or more beings. Now read.
:- Doug.
If I turn my thoughts to you and you turn yours to me, do they dance? Do they communicate? Do they do something good?
:- Doug.
What is the value of thinking but in sharing? Moving from place to place? Time to time? Across brains? So consciousness requires at least two places, a conversation among them.
:- Doug.
A key: can these others be conscious of us and we of them? Does conversation rest on consciousness? Or rather dance with it?
:- Doug.
Let’s devise a way to map a conversation. Indicators of speed, direction, timing, people taking turns, talking over one another, a butterfly floating in and out, bumblebees, kangaroos, giraffes, minds bubbling, and getting lazy. What’s going on in there?
:- Doug.
What organizes the interiors of conversations? Are something like microtubules active?
:- Doug.
It is significant that I don’t know—we don’t know—what conversation is. The turning of dance or compost is just the start. But what is going on? What is happening inside this operation that emerges new thinking? Where are the edges, for instance when we go home and things brew and we come back to pick it up in a fortnight? Or carry its bits to “other” conversations? Here is fertile ground for exploration. For if we figure out what it is and how it is done, we might bridge divides of persons, peoples, and space-time.
:- Doug.