Hospitality for strange influencers
Can you, can I, make hospitality in our hearts for a 300 year strange grandchild, a life quite unlike our own? Are we ready for his or her reciprocal influence?
:- Doug.

Can you, can I, make hospitality in our hearts for a 300 year strange grandchild, a life quite unlike our own? Are we ready for his or her reciprocal influence?
:- Doug.
Lean, lean into the wind
my ancients
progress arrives O so slowly O so juicily
:- Doug.
What does it mean to 300 year ancients that we are both actors in this one drama?
:- Doug
When you fly in airplane overhead
You don’t meet as much as if
You ride a bicycle down the weedy path
:- Doug.
Time = change = diversity = beauty truth goodness
This is somehow not a happy statement
Significance has more dimensions
Dimensions have more significance
And humanity more possibility
I don’t know what this means
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2027
Let’s learn to love
our loose ends
muddles bubbling along
Please pass it on.
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Is that inkling saying what I meant, does it say more than what I meant? Inklings should.
:- Doug.